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Our Therapists and Our Families

Our therapists, who are drawn from the mainstream fields of physiotherapyoccupational therapylearning development and speech and language therapy, work with each family to devise a unique Therapy Programme, specifically designed to suit their child’s needs, which will help and encourage them to unlock their child’s potential. This may be anything from helping them to sit up, walk or ride a bike, to recognising colours or saying their name. Our therapists have a wide range of experience and use these skills to assess the needs of each child.

Our Brainwave families make us who we are and we are continually working with them to improve their experiences.

Please click here to read Case Studies of some of the children that attend Brainwave. These illustrate how Brainwave makes a difference to a child’s life.


We have time to teach each family a structured Therapy Programme to follow – rather than just suggesting one or two exercises. We loan the equipment needed to complete the Programme free of charge and also provide a DVD of the exercises which can be used as a reminder at home or shared with other members of the family to assist with the Programme.


Each family will have two therapists, fully focused on one child and their needs during their one day initial assessment and at each reassessment. The time allows us to listen to families and answer their questions; helping us to have a better understanding of each child.

It also means we can explain why each exercise has been included in the Programme and make sure that each family is as confident as possible to carry it out before they return home.


If a child gets tired or hungry during their therapy session there is enough time to take breaks and adjust the days’ timings. They can then come back feeling more refreshed and ready for some exercises.


We have a relaxed, fun and friendly atmosphere in an informal setting to help put children and families at ease.

NHS Therapy & Professionals

Our Therapy Programmes complement the therapy that your child receives, rather than replacing it. We are keen to engage with all professionals involved with your child to ensure we can work together for the best possible outcomes.

Ongoing Support

Once you get home, our therapy team is available to you via phone calls and email. Our Family Facilitators are also available to provide a listening ear, connect you with other families and continually research up-to-date local and national information for families.

To enquire for an assessment please click here